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Answers to some questions you might have.

  • Why is it a good idea to advertise on a platform with 100's of other businesses?
    Advertising on a platform with 100’s of other businesses is a great idea because it gives you access to a large customer base that you would not be able to reach if you were to advertise on your own. By advertising on a platform with many other businesses, you are able to reach a large number of potential customers quickly and easily. In addition, you can benefit from the collective promotional efforts of the other businesses on the platform, resulting in increased visibility for your business and an improved return on your advertising investment. Additionally, you will be able to take advantage of cost savings when purchasing advertising space in bulk, thus our low monthly cost-point of entry. Finally, advertising on a platform with 100's of other businesses can save you time and money, as long as you are staying consistent with your campaigns as well.
  • How can help my business be seen?
    At, our team will create and implement custom campaigns to make sure your business stands out on the marketplace platform we have created. We also implement social media reach, which when shared, your ad campaign will reach out to the same demographic as the person sharing, compounding your reach. Customers are always searching online for local advertisements, deals, discounts and even just leisurely browsing to see what local businesses around are offering. Our goal is to utilize the group marketing reach approach, creating a dynamic platform where customers know they can visit one location to see relevant, up-to-date information from surrounding local businesses like yours. So as long as you stay current on our marketplace page and or offer deals once in a while, your business will be seen by thousands of patrons every month. And that will grow exponentially the more businesses get involved.
  • How often should I advertise a new ad?
    The frequency with which you should advertise a new ad depends on the goals of your campaign and the product or service you're advertising. Generally speaking, it's best to advertise a new ad every two to three weeks, but some businesses may find more success with shorter or longer intervals. Companies that spend consistently on advertising/branding, generally are remembered more often when a need arises for a customer.
  • How does ispota become a household name?
    At, we believe that becoming a household name requires a combination of strategic thinking, creative execution, and consistent messaging. Here are some of the ways we work to achieve this goal: - First and foremost - By delivering relevant content from local businesses in the community on a regular basis. Being in front of customers and having your business identity readily accessible when potential customers need to find out information about your business or service. - Defining a clear brand identity: We market as a unique brand voice and visual identity that resonates with the surrounding communities/local customers, that sets us apart from traditional shotgun approached marketing, and high dollar monthly page-ad style marketing. People want an easy to navigate platform that gains them access to relevant, up-to-date local business information. The new age end users don't care about magazines, ad flyers etc. They want everything in the palm of their hands, period. And that's where we want your business to be seen. With ispota, consumers know they can search the platform and find the information they are looking for about your business. - Crafting compelling messaging: We created a platform that allows your messaging to be memorable, consistent, and aligned with local patrons' values, goals and needs. Your independent message/brand is applied across various channels and touchpoints, from website copy to social media posts, every time you or a patron sees/shares your businesses message, compounding your visibility. So, create compelling messages, often. Thats exactly how the mega-corporations stay relevant by spending millions of dollars independently, to reach local customers. We say let's divide that cost between all local businesses' at a fraction of the cost, creating an ongoing low cost-point of entry where all businesses can be seen as customers scroll on the platform throughout each day. - Leveraging multiple channels: We leverage a variety of channels and tactics to reach the local audience, including paid advertising (Facebook ads, radio ads, billboard ads, point of sales marketing materials using bar codes on business cards, and eventually yearly block parties to get local customers engaged. We also use content marketing, social media, and public relations. By using a mix of channels, we can maximize reach and engagement. We are already working on a 2.0 version where you as the client business will have access to log in and create/post your own content 24/7 - 365, be geo-location specific and tie into all social platforms instantly. Again, this takes time and money, and together we can become the best marketing tool for your business at a low-cost point. It's time to create an advertising platform that works for the businesses, not take from them. - Measuring and optimizing performance: We constantly measure the performance of our campaigns and make data-driven optimizations to ensure maximum impact. We use a variety of tools and metrics to track progress, including website analytics, social media insights, and ad performance data. Our website analytics gives specific information to when people are searching, what messages are being shared the most, how many people per day are visiting our site, how long the stay engaged with our site etc. - Person to person interaction: We believe that short, direct communication is still the best way to communicate any brand. Just being in front of people, handing them a point-of-sale material about the platform/website with a relevant QR code that quickly takes them to the website is an important piece of the strategy, especially in the beginning stages as we launch in a small geographical location. Because we want to focus on cities around us in the beginning, we believe this to be the initial roll-out method that will allow us to focus on consumers right in our back yard. As we expand into larger markets, we can begin blasting the platform/website on social media channels etc. Overall, becoming a household name takes time, effort, and a combination of various strategies, including a continued partnership with local businesses like yours to become that location where customers know they will find that updated/relevant information they are looking for. At, we are committed to doing whatever it takes to achieve this goal and help local businesses just like yours to be seen on a regular basis, on a platform trusted by local customers.
  • Why should I consider group advertising with
    Group advertising is a proven & effective way to reach a larger target market with your message. It allows your business to pool resources and share costs with other businesses, while also spreading your message to a wider audience. At, we have the expertise and resources to help you create customized group advertising campaigns that cost a fraction of what other marketing companies charge.
  • Can you guarantee me more sales?
    As an advertising agency, we can create effective campaigns to target potential local customers and strive to increase sales for our clients. Our goal is to increase awareness about your business by maximizing your advertising budget. By creating a low cost-point of entry, you can rest assured that your campaign is in front of a large demographic of local customers who are searching every day for information from local businesses like yours. Through the experience of having multiple companies ourselves over the years, we completely understand the benefit of having many options available and having your business name branded via different platforms. With all that being said, we cannot guarantee any specific results as there are many factors beyond our control that can affect sales.
  • Is it effective to run more than 1 ad?
    Yes, running more than one ad is often an effective way to increase your reach and maximize the effectiveness of your advertising efforts. At, we recommend running multiple ads that are tailored to different target audiences. This ensures that your message is reaching different demographics and can help you get the maximum return on your investment. Additionally, running multiple ads allows you to test different messages to determine which perform best.
  • Are "Deal/Discount" Ads Effective
    Yes! sales & deal ads can be a great way to attract new customers and increase brand awareness. Offering discounts can help you stand out from the competition and drive more sales, as long as you are not sharing all your profits with the same company(s) you are paying to market/brand your business. The biggest problem in the past with this type of advertising is the strategy most advertising companies' set-up. They are designed to profit share with cash flow off your products/services and in essence need your "sales" to retain their business. At, our primary goal is simply to get your business brand in front of as many local patrons daily as we can. We work with you to develop effective deals and/or straight forward branding ad campaigns, and on top of that, you never have to worry about profit sharing with us. Once you pay for your weekly or monthly campaign, we create your ad, and you keep 100% of all ad campaign sales that come through your doors. Our goal is to create a "long-term relationship" not a "one-sided sales driven" relationship with our clients, and if we can earn your trust, coupled with our low-cost entry point, we are sure to have a successful long-standing relationship for years to come.

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